Mile Lane Campus (CU Coventry)

You can find out who your reps are, minutes from previous meetings, and changes made in your Campus.

Find out who your Rep is

Unsure of who your Education Rep and Course Reps are? You can find them below. We are currently recruiting for all open vacancies, please apply to be a rep here. Do you want to learn more about student voice system and how it works? Open the video below.

Rep of the Month - Abdullah Mohammed Sayyed

Abdullah has been awarded Rep of the Month for his hard work and dedication within his role as Education Rep over the past month

Your Course Conversations

Your Course Conversation is a chance for you to raise feedback about your course. These are co-chaired and minuted by the Education Reps. The meetings happen twice a semester and are open to ALL students and not just Reps and Staff, so why not come along and make an impact on your course today?

Look out in your timetables or any communications from us for when your next meeting is.

You Said We Did

Check out how academics in your study area have resolved feedback from students just like yourself.

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