You can find out who your reps are, minutes from previous meetings, and changes made in your Community.

Who is a Research Rep?

A Research Rep is someone who represents the views of their peers from their Research Centre. But why should you be one? Being a Research Rep can be a highly rewarding experience during your PGR journey; you can bring about positive change to your Research Centre, build on the existing employability skills you'll be gaining and truly shape the student experience for PGRs, and so much more! Your time in the role of a Research rep would also count towards your volunteering hours as a researcher.

Find out who your Rep is

Unsure of the reps in your research centre? You can find them below.

Rep of the Month - Marley Treloar

Marley did an amazing job raising feedback and taking minutes for Research voice forum.

Apply to be a Research Rep

We are currently recruiting for all open vacancies; please apply to be a Research Rep here. We don't limit the number of people who can apply; therefore, you will automatically be accepted for the role. We will contact you over the coming days to complete training for the role. Please note that you will not be confirmed as a Research Rep until your training has been completed.

Research Voice Forum

The Research Voice forum is a chance for you to raise feedback about your experience as a PGR. These are co-chaired and minuted by Research Reps and they happen 4 times in a year. Why not submit your feedback to your Research Rep and make an impact on your PGR experience today?

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