
Everything you need to know about how we reward our Reps.

Rep of the Month

Our Reps do an incredible amount of work to continuously improve the academic and curriculum student experience. If you know a rep who has gone above and beyond the call of duty, you can nominate them for our Rep of the Month Award. We chose a winner from each location every month, and they are rewarded with the following:

  • £5 voucher to Union Streat Kitchen
  • Digital Badges
  • Email footer recognising your hard work
  • An Instagram shout out and a news article on our website
  • Mention on our location page on the website

Rep Rewards Program

Rep Rewards Program is our way of saying ‘Thank You’ for all the amazing work you do with us as Reps! Throughout the academic year you will have opportunities to volunteer your time with us. These will be communicated to you in our fortnightly rep bulletin (sent to your student email). You can then register your interest to volunteer, and we will get back in touch with you with further details.

How does Rep Rewards work?

We reward you for volunteering with us in increments of 3 hours. This means that you will need to volunteer with us for 3 hours to reach Level 1, an additional 3 hours (total 6 hours) to reach Level 2, an additional 3 hours (total 9 hours) to reach Level 3, and so on.

Here are our current rewards:

Information related to redeeming your rewards can be found here. You can also read full terms & conditions here.

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