Rules and Guidance

It is our aim that our elections are conducted in a free, fair and friendly manner. This page highlights the rules and guidance that are required to be followed. You can also find the complaints process here.

Rules and Guiding Principles

It is our aim that our elections are conducted in a free, fair and friendly manner. We establish rules and guiding principles so we are clear and transparent in how we ensure free, fair and friendly elections and that everyone has a fair chance.

Elections are governed by our General Union Election Regulations. The Election Rules and Principles Document takes section 10 ‘Campaigning and Campaign Behaviour’ and demonstrates how we will apply it.


The rules below have taken key information from the Elections Rules and Principles Documents. We still encourage all candidates to read the full document which provides further guidance and can be access here.

  1. Rule One

    Candidates shall not spend over the amount provided by the Students’ Union.

    Candidates shall be required to keep a log of all items and resources used (if any) for their campaign.

    Candidates shall be required to submit their campaign amount spent no later than 24 hours after voting closes.

  2. Rule Two

    Candidates can campaign as a group of candidates (slate).

    This includes merging or sharing of campaign budget, campaign materials and campaign team members. Any slate is limited to four (4) candidates.

  3. Rule Three

    Candidates can be endorsed by any student member or group of the Students’ Union.

    No candidate can be endorsed or seek endorsement from non-SU members. This shall include members of the University staff, Students’ Union staff or external companies.

  4. Rule Four

    Candidates must take reasonable steps to ensure that the actions of their supporters (such as campaign team members), comply with the election regulations, rules, and guidance.

  5. Rule Five

    Candidates must adhere to all Students’ Union and Coventry University Group policies. This shall include following any instructions and guidance regarding where candidates are permitted to campaign.

  6. Rule Six

    Candidates must not undertake activities that are deemed negative campaigning, such as smear campaigns that focus on another candidate’s character.

  7. Rule Seven

    Candidates must allow the electorate (voters) to cast their vote secretly, freely, and fairly. Candidates must not attempt to influence/coerce voters whilst they are in the process of voting. This includes not touching any voters device during the Elections voting period.

  8. Rule Eight

    Candidates can only alter, move, or remove their own campaign materials whilst campaigning and voting is open, except when the candidate is part of a slate. In this case you can alter, move, and remove your slates materials.

  9. Rule Nine

    Candidates shall not undertake campaigning activity which others could not reasonably do.

  10. Rule Ten

    Candidates must submit a manifesto with 5 distinct ideas (related to the role they are running for) and a photograph of themselves in order to be eligible for the election.

Guiding Principles

We expect all those involved in Elections to also keep the following principles in mind when thinking about their behaviour.

  1. Campaigners (candidates and their supporters) should treat other campaigners, students and members of the public with dignity and respect.
  2. Campaigners (candidates and their supporters) should focus on their own campaign plan and follow it through. For their wellbeing they should not concern themselves with others campaigns.
  3. Even though candidates cannot support each other to campaign this does not mean you cannot support each other’s wellbeing. A friendly and open culture is important and a nice word can go a long way to support someone’s mental health.

    Please note: : if you feel another candidate is struggling, please refer them to a member of the elections team so we can offer support.

  4. Campaigners (candidates and their supporters) should not do anything to gain an unfair advantage.


Do you have a complaint to make? Read this document to learn how to submit it appropriately.

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