
We are committed to listening and responding to the experiences of all our members and service users. Our complaints page is the place to raise your concerns, voice issues and help us build a better Students' Union.

Important Information

You can use complaint form to submit a complaint about any the SU, any of our services, or against members of the SU if they were acting in an SU capacity (e.g. as members of a society or as a rep or officer).

If your complaint is about the University, your course, or a fellow student not acting in an SU capacity you may be better off contacting the University directly with your complaint (we also have some guidance on University complaints to help you).

If you just want to get in touch with the SU or are looking for support try emailing us or visit our advice pages.

Complaint Process

Any complaints submitted will follow our complaints process, and we will try to resolve it swifly and fairly, and keep you updated. To give us the best chance of a swift and fair resolution try to give as much detail as you can (names, dates, specifics), and let us know the outcome you desire. You should also let us know anything you have already tried to fix the issue and include any evidence you have (e.g. photos, emails).

Your data will be handled in line with our Privacy Policy. Your complaint will be dealt with in confidence except in cases where they may be a risk to someone's safety in which case we may escalate it to the University or another body.

When you submit your complaint try to give as much detail as you can. This will help prevent back and forth which might slow down the process. And make sure you submit your complaint using the complaints form. Your complaint is confidential but there are circumstances where information may be shared

Once your complaint is received it will be referred to the CEO (unless it relates to the CEO) who will appoint a relevant officer or staff member to be the investigator for the complaint. There are some occasions where the complaint may be referred or redirected, for example if the University complaints procedure should be applied first, or if the complaint should go through a different process

The investigator will review your complaint and decide whether it can be resolved informally, or whether to proceed directly to the formal stage. You will be notified within 5 working days of the proposed route.

For informal resolution, the investigator may get in touch to ask for more information or arrange a meeting. The more information you can give when you submit your complaint the better. Within 10 working days you will hear from the investigator with an outcome.

If you aren't happy with the informal resolution you need to write within five working days of our response to explain why you are dissatisfied and would like to proceed to the formal stage.

If a complaint proceeds to formal investigation a new investigator will be nominated. They will contact you to ask for further information which may include information from third parties including the University, this will be explained before the information is sought.

Usually you will be invited to a formal meeting along with other relevant parties before a panel appointed by the CEO (or their delegate). The panel will include student officers or trustees and a member of senior management. All will have had no previous involvement with the complaint.

You'll receive a response within 10 working days with an outcome. If you aren't happy with the resolution you have five working days to appeal.

Appeals are heard before a panel of Trustees, they are provided with the findings and outcome to decide whether the complaint has been fairly considered and given an appropriate resolution. You'll hear within 10 working days the outcome of the appeal.

If you are still unhappy with your outcome you can take the verdict to the University Complaints Procedure.

Are the details of my complaint shared with anyone?

Your complaint is dealt with in confidence and in line with our Privacy and Data Protection policies, but there are situations where we may share the details of your complaint. If there is a risk to safety for anyone then information may be shared with the University or other relevant bodies (e.g. emergency services). As noted in step 2 the CEO may also decide that your case should be referred to the University complaints procedure, in this case you will be informed.

Can I make a complaint?

Anyone can make a complaint, including members of the public. The only exceptions are SU Staff who should use the Grievance Procedure, and in the case of Elections complaints these are handled by a separate mechanism.

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