Post-Study Work Visa

As an independent organisation to the University, we are unlicensed to give any visa or immigration advice, including anything related to graduate route visas. We have gathered information relating to working in the UK available from the University and Government websites and will include it, and links to further information, below.

What is the Graduate Route Visa?

The Graduate Route Visa, also referred to as the Post-Study Work Visa (PSW), allows international graduates to stay in the UK for a fixed period of either two- or three-years following completion of their degree studies (depending on the level of study).

You do not need to be sponsored by an educational institute or employer. It allows you to work flexibly – including being able to changes jobs.

Am I Eligible?

To be eligible for a Graduate Route Visa, you must:

  • Hold a current Tier 4 (General) or Student Visa on the date that you submit your application.
    • Have successfully completed an eligible UK course at Bachelor degree level or above at a Higher Education provider with a track record of Home Office student sponsor licence compliance.
    • Completion means receiving official notification from the University of your degree award on SOLAR.
  • Have successfully completed your course in the UK:
    • If the course is 12 months or less, the entirety of the course must have been within the UK.
    • If the course is longer than 12 months, you must have spent at least 12 months in the UK on a student route visa.
  • Be in the UK at the time of your application.

You can find further information on eligibility criteria for the Graduate Route Visa here.

What costs are involved?

There is a £715 application fee, and you must also pay the healthcare surcharge (£624 for each year you will be in the UK on the Visa).

If you have dependants, they can apply to stay as dependents on your Graduate Visa but will individually need to pay the visa fee.

If you work in public sector healthcare after you have paid the healthcare surcharge, you may be eligible for a refund.

Find the above and other information here.

How do I apply?

Make sure that you have collected all of the documents that you need to apply. You can then submit your application here.

You must apply online. If your partner or children joined you in the UK as dependants, they can apply to stay as dependents on your Graduate Visa. They will need to apply separately.

If you have difficulty applying online, you can get help with filling in your application form from the Home Office. Find out about that support here.

My visa will expire before my final results are released

When you are provided with a resit or apply for a deferral, you are made aware of the potential impacts that this can have on your Visa on the Student Portal and in your letter on SOLAR. You are signposted to the Visa team for any questions regarding this. The Visa Team are best suited to provide you with guidance on the post-study work and any other graduate visas, and you can contact them by emailing

More information

We would recommend that you visit the University’s webpages to find out more information on the Graduate Route Visa. You can find guidance specific to the Graduate Route Visa on the Student Portal and can also visit the Government Website for regularly updated information on the Graduate Visa.

If you have any concerns around your eligibility for the Graduate Route Visa, please email Please find some general guidance below on the Graduate Route Visa.

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