CAS Letters

As an independent organisation to the University, we are unlicensed to give any visa or immigration advice, including anything related to CAS Letters. We have gathered information relating to CAS letters available from the University and Government websites and will include it below.

What is a CAS letter?

A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is a letter that international students are required to have before you can apply for your visa (Student Route).

The CAS will be emailed to you using the address provided in your application; this will include your CAS number and a CAS statement. This document contains all of the information required by the Home Office for generating your visa.

Please note, it is your responsibility to check the CAS statement carefully to ensure that all of the information included is accurate.

The university admissions team will issue a CAS letter to you after you have:

  • accepted your offer
  • met all of the conditions of your offer
  • paid your deposit

Your Students' Union does not have access to admissions data, so we cannot assist with creating or issuing CAS letters. If you are experiencing a delay with receiving your CAS, or need any amendments to an existing CAS, please follow the guidance below.

If you’re a new student…

If you have paid your deposit but are waiting for a CAS letter, please make sure you have met all your other conditions. The admissions work through CAS letters as quickly as possible and ask you not to chase via email. If you require an urgent update on your CAS, you should email the admissions team who sent you your offer.

If you have already received a CAS, but need any amendments, please email

If you’re a returning student…

If you have already started your course and need a CAS, for example to extend a visa you’ve already been granted, you can contact the team on

If you need to extend the visa you were granted for your current course, please read the extension information on the University website carefully. You will need to provide confirmation from your faculty that your course dates have changed, and you are required to attend for a longer time period.

Please do not contact the email address if you are a new student as the team will not be able to help you.

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