Commercial Services Board

The Commercial Services Board meet four (4) times a year to discuss and decide on matters relating to the activities, finances, strategy and business portfolio of the Students' Unions Subsidiary company (CUSU Services Ltd). The Board also come together to celebration events, away days and other activities to highlight, celebrate and showcase the Students' Union.

Jerry Robinson (Non-Executive Director and Lay Trustee)

Jerry has been a lay trustee for your SU and a non-executive director of the SU's Services Subsidiary since April 2021. They are a member of the Board of Trustees in addition to being the chair of the Commercial Services Board of the SU.

Christopher Eban (Officer Trustee)

Christopher is your Activities Officer. They were elected in February 2024 and took up their role in June 2024. They are a member of the Board of Trustees in addition to being a member of the Commercial Services Board and the chair of the People and Culture Sub-Committee.

OduduAbasi Umo-Odiong (Officer Trustee)

Odudu is your Communities Officer. They were elected in February 2024 and took up their role in June 2024. They are a member of the Board of Trustees in addition to being a member of the Commercial Services Board and the People and Culture Sub-Committee.

John Abell (Director and Chief Executive Officer)

John is the Chief Executive Officer of your Students' Union. They report to the Board of Trustees on all areas concerning the Students' Union charity and are a director and full voting member of the SU's services subsidiary company.

Phil Sanders (Non-Executive Director)

Phil has been a non-executive director since December 2020. They are a member of the Commercial Services Board of the SU.

Tim Holmes (Non-Executive Director)

Tim has been a non-executive director since July 2018. They are a member of the Commercial Services Board and previously served as a Lay Trustee for the SU.

Carla Whelan (Non-Executive Director)

Carla has been a non-executive director since October 2020. They are a member of the Commercial Services Board for the SU.

Should you have any questions regarding the Commercial Services Board, its activities or documents then email the Governance Team via

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