Full-time officers

Elected by you to lead your Students' Union for the 2023-24 academic year. Every year, four full-time officers are elected to lead the Students' Union and represent all student members. The four officers have different remits, but the key thing they all have in common is a commitment to improving the student experience.

The four officers

Every year, four full-time officers are elected to lead the Students' Union and represent all student members. The four officers have different remits, but the key thing they all have in common is a commitment to improving the student experience. Although they're based at the Coventry University campus in Coventry, the officer team work on behalf of all students across all campus locations, colleges and schools. They regularly visit the London, Scarborough and CU Coventry campuses to make sure they're representing the views of all students across the group. If you see the officers around your campus, make sure you say hi and feel free to pass them any feedback you may have.

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