Your Students' Union

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NUS Referendum (2024) Result

See the results of our recent NUS referendum.

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The National Union of Students, commonly known as NUS, is a confederate association of around 600 Students’ Unions, representing the interests of more than seven million students across higher education and further education. 

For Students’ Unions to be a member of NUS they need to ‘affiliate’. Affiliation to NUS-UK, the democratic and campaigning arm of NUS, cost Your Students' Union £30,000 in 2023/24.

What was the referendum about?

Union Affairs Committee, your student leadership, recently voted to hold a referendum to decide whether the Students' Union should remain a member of NUS-UK. The question was 'Should the Students' Union continue to be a member of NUS-UK?' and cases were provided for both 'yes' and 'no. 

What were the results?

In order for a referendum to be quorate (a valid vote), 5% of the student population need to vote.

Voting was open for one week from midday on Monday 17 June to midday on Monday 24 June. A total of 131 individuals voted in the referendum meaning the vote was not quorate. The breakdown of the 131 votes was:

  • Yes: 109 votes (83%)
  • No: 20 votes (15%)
  • Don't know: 2 votes (2%)

What happens next?

As the vote was not quorate and indicated a willingness from students for the SU to stay as a member, Your Students' Union will remain affiliated to NUS-UK. Next year's Union Affairs Committee will continue to discuss membership of NUS-UK to ensure good value for Coventry University Group students.

If you have any questions about this result, or the topics covered, please email



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