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Part-Time Officers Update - February

Find out what your part-time officers got up to in the months of December and January

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College of Engineering, Environmental, and Science – Christopher Eban

My first month as the CEES College Officer was filled with so much excitement and adventure that these words do not properly convey the feeling. I have had the privilege of working with very brilliant people ranging from tutors to staff leads, to other officers, student reps and students. During my first weeks in office, I have done the following:

  • Attend the reps development conference 2024; where all part-time officers took part in a Q&A session. This was my first outing as the CEES College Officer.
  • Hosted the ‘meet your college officer’ hybrid meeting with 16 CEES reps present. I had the privilege of getting to know the reps in my college and we all collectively examined my manifesto and discussed my plans.
  • Attend rep stalls across Coventry University main campus, successfully registering over 100 students for the different available rep roles.
  • Attend several Student Voice on Tour stalls, led by Panchami Satheesh, the SU's Education Officer.
  • I have also attended several other meetings, including the CEES student voice working group, one-to-one meetings with my staff lead and the rep social night.
  • I am 75% done with the planning and execution of a Mental Health Conference on academic pressure, in collaboration with the Student Union. This is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 27 March, in and for the students of the College of Engineering and Environmental Science

You can get in touch with your officer on their officer page.

School of Health and Care - Promise Owai

As your part-time officer, I am excited to provide you with an update on the recent happenings and progress made in our school. Here are some highlights from the past month:

  • Meetings: During the past month, I have actively participated in various meetings representing your interests and concerns. I am pleased to inform you that we have achieved some significant wins in these meetings, such as securing and discovering available students car parks with school. Negotiations on field trips are also ongoing. Your voice matters, and together, we are making positive changes for our schools.
  • Stalls, Activities, and Events: I am thrilled to share the success of the stalls, activities, and events that we have planned and delivered this month. Our reps recruitment stall received an overwhelming response with many students applying to become a rep. Reps applications are now open for new academic year, there are a lot of vacancies available.
  • Manifesto Progress: I am committed to fulfilling the promises made in my manifesto. I am pleased to report progress on several manifesto points. Efforts are underway to establish a student feedback system to ensure our voices are heard and acted upon, International field trip interest survey form for School of Health and Care is currently receiving responses from students.
  • Upcoming Projects: I am excited to share some upcoming projects that I am currently working on. We are in the process of organising an employability workshop, scheduled for April 2024. This workshop will equip you with essential skills and knowledge to enhance your employability prospects. I encourage all of you to participate and take advantage of this valuable opportunity.
  • I am also planning to implement Health and wellbeing awareness and resource accessibility campaign as this is crucial in helping our students to access support services when necessary.
  • Opportunities for Involvement: As part of my projects, there will be opportunities for you to get involved and contribute to the betterment of our school. Whether it's through becoming a Rep, volunteering, joining a committee, or sharing your ideas, your participation is crucial in shaping our school. Stay tuned for further updates on how you can get involved and make a difference.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as your Part-Time Officer and work towards improving the student experience within the School of Health and Care. I encourage you to reach out to me with any concerns, suggestions, or ideas you may have. Together, we can create a vibrant and inclusive learning environment.

You can get in touch with your officer on their officer page.

College of Business and Law - Ujwala Korukanti

This leap month has been a whirlwind of experiences – from my first Student Voice group meeting to Union affairs and Coventry executive meetings! I've been actively gaining knowledge and honing my communication skills, hitting a major milestone by achieving my manifesto point about the timetable in just the first month of my role. Currently, I'm putting my efforts into getting  exciting field trips options to students around CBL. I am thrilled to share that I also took part in a postgraduate networking stall, connecting with fellow peers. I am looking forward to upcoming awards, and I must say, my line manager has been incredibly sweet and helpful, guiding me through every step in my first month. Without her, I wouldn't have given my best. 
Stay tuned for more updates on my journey!

You can get in touch with your officer on their officer page.

CU Coventry - Emmy-Ange Kabala

I am excited to announce that I have officially completed my first manifesto point.

  • Mile Lane has a brand new cafe with brand new menu options and variety.
  • Our enrollment issues has greatly improved since last block.
  • I have also participated in all the events hosted in Mile Lane and will continue to attend the following months.
  • I am trying to organize a day trip out of Coventry. Please keep look out for the dates and information on the website.

I am really excited to connect and network with you. It’s always heart warming seeing your smiles and support. Hopefully I get to see more of you the following months.

You can get in touch with your officer on their officer page.

College of the Arts and Society - Layna Forbes

In February, I collected student feedback, attended meetings, and planned my campaign launch for a neuro-inclusive campus. 

  • I collected student feedback during meetings and Your Course Conversations, and I was pleased to see staff and students working together to improve the student experience. 
  • Additionally, I participated in the PG networking fair, where university services provided PG students with information about the support available during their time here. This included well-being, job-related support through Handshake and SU as a rep, academic writing and library support, and more. 
  • Finally, I collaborated with the Disability Community and SU community staff to launch my campaign to create a more neuro-inclusive campus. I made a form to gather students' feedback on how neuro-inclusive they feel the university is already. If you want to learn more, you can find the survey here:, and you can find the campaign here: Campaign Launch: Building a Neuro-inclusive campus (

In March, I am planning two events to celebrate Neurodiversity Week. These events will be two neurodivergent-friendly events open to diagnosed, undiagnosed, and allies of neurodivergent students to spread awareness and increase equity and the sense of belonging. 

You can get your ticket for the events here: 

You can get in touch with your officer on their officer page.



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