Focus Group: Access and Participation Review

Your Education: Coventry

Share your thoughts on current Access and Participation initiatives at the University with the Leadership Team.

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Thursday 06 June 2024


10am - 11am


About the event

The University are hosting two focus groups at the start of June to review Access and Participation initiatives at the University. They are looking for students who fall into the following categories:

  • Must be home student.
  • They must identify as either one or more of the following:
    • Black, Asian, Mixed and Other ethnicity students, or
    • Students with a mental health condition, or
    • Mature students (over the age of 21).

If you fall under one of the categories above and are free either on Wednesday 5 June from 2pm to 3pm or Thursday 6 June from 10am to 11am, then please complete this form to register:

Upon attending the focus group, you will be assigned a digital badge to thank you for your participation.

If you have any questions, please email

  • Badge
  • Coventry University (Coventry campus)
  • CU Coventry
  • Education

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