CUS Acting Presents: Chatroom by Enda Walsh

Your SU: Scarborough

The Year 1 Acting students present their production of Chatroom by Enda Walsh.

A promotional poster for Chatroom by Enda Walsh with the event details outlined.

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Wednesday 10 April 2024


1:30pm - 2:45pm


About the event

Date: Wednesday 10 April 2024
Location: Room 1.20, CU Scarborough
Starts at 1:30pm
Ends at 2:45pm (approx)

More Info

"A chilling, blackly comic tale of manipulation, cyberbullying and adolescent insecurity. In a quiet corner of the internet, a group of bored, restless teenagers spends its time deconstructing children's literature and the messages in modern pop music. But when a new member joins to share his depression and thoughts of suicide, the conversation takes a darker turn. Chatroom is a powerful depiction of modern-day isolation and the dangerous power of technology."

Please note this production includes some challenging language and covers difficult themes including mental illness, self harm and suicide.

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