Candidate for the position of Education Officer

Candidate for the position of Education Officer

Image for Saikat Dey

Saikat Dey

Accomplish academic-rights with the boldest-voice on campus. #SaikatforSTUDENT #SaikatforSOLUTION #SaikatforSUPPORT

''I believe in KISMIS - Keep it simple, Make it simple''


Who Am I?

I am Saikat AKA Saikatism on internet :D

I am an MBA – Masters in Business Administration student in the Faculty of business and law at Coventry university.

Also, I have a mechanical engineering bachelor degree and I have worked for around 4 years in the engineering industry and corporate sector.

Public speaking is my hobby and I know 5 languages including but not limited to English, Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi and Malayalam..

I am highly ambitious in what I plan and I believe in "EXECUTION" rather than daydreaming. Also "QUALITY OVER QUANTITY" is what I believe while executing anything. 

What have I done?

  1. Led many course teams as a class rep and course rep in my school, college and university life.
  2. Worked as a student counsellor in my under graduations.
  3. Led Students society like ASME, Youth vibe, Youth fest, Literary Society, Debate club, and Leadership clubs in my under graduations.
  4. Currently leading the role of Education Transformation rep.
  5. Working as a student ambassador at Coventry university.
  6. Also working as an ambassador in Unibuddy and The student room.

Why will you vote for me?

  1. Voting-based Rep system
  2. Faster student support system
  3. Academic stationaries for all students

What’s my plan?

1. Voting-based Rep system

  1. I will work to restructure the rep system
  2. Every cohort will elect their Rep by polling.
  3. There will be a proper hierarchy which will help escalate the issues within the fastest possible time.
  4.  Every month there will be a student rep meeting and it will be face-to-face.

2. Faster student support system

  1. I will work and discuss with the university body to ensure that all students will get a response to their issues within 24 hours.
  2. I will also propose and work to ensure an emergency student support and hotline for 24-hour student support.

3. Academic stationeries for all

  1. I will work and propose to the university body to ensure that all student are getting their academic stationeries on the first day of the university.

When is the vote?

Voting will open on the 14th of march and will close on 16th of march 2023

How to vote for me?

You can go to the website below and find me on the education officer role and cast your vote if you want the above changes to happen.

Voting link -

How to connect me?

You can connect with me on social media via the below link –

Disclaimer: I post a lot there :D




Snapchat: saikat143

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