Candidate for the position of CU Coventry Campus Officer

Candidate for the position of CU Coventry Campus Officer

Image for Emmy-Ange Kabala

Emmy-Ange Kabala

Cast your ballot for me! Let's make it count!

Hello beautiful soul, I'm Emmy-Ange Kabala , and I'm thrilled to be your Campus Officer.

As a 2nd year Health and Social Care student, I know what it's like to be a student—and I know what it's like to be a Coventry University student. I know how much you love this school: it's full of rich history and culture, but it can also be challenging. We need to make sure that we are working together to make our school the best place possible for all of us. I am committed to giving back to the community that helped me get here and I am invested in your success as much as my own—and I know that means more than just getting good grades. That is why I will make sure that you're heard and that your needs are met—so that you can focus on what matters most: your education. 

During my time as your Camous Office I will focus on three main things: engagement with students; cost of living; and health and well-being. Let me walk you through each one in turn.

Engagement with students: 

First of all, I want to engage with you! This means attending most events and activities with you so that together I will can get your feedback and ideas on how our SU can shape our student lives here at Coventry University. But it also means listening closely: if there are issues that need addressing or concerns that need addressing, then let me know so we can work together to find solutions.

Cost of living: 

Reducing parking fees! As we are all aware from July 2023 the free parking campaign will come to an end. It's expensive enough as it is for students who have to pay for their education; you should not have to strain your wallet for parking. My aim is to convince the university board to lower parking fees to a more affordable fee for you. 

Health and well-being: 

Firstly peer support groups: We all need time away from our studies sometimes! I plan to introduce fortnightly support groups held by students, for students, where we can unwind and relieve stress over coursework or personal struggles; these are open to all students, not just those struggling with mental health issues or seeking support. 

Secondly breakfast meals: As a student I struggled finding something to eat in the morning that is both filling and healthy. As your campus officer I plan to try and introduce more healthy and affordable breakfast meal deals both delicious and nutritious. 


Elm Bank: I'd love to see a cafe open up in Elm Bank—so we can all hang out together while enjoying some coffee or tea with a healthy snack before class, during break and after class! 

Vending Machines: I plan to convince university board to lower vending machine prices so that snacks are more affordable than ever before; so you don't have to break the bank for a snack. 

This is only a small part of what I'd like to accomplish while serving as your Campus Officer, but when elected, this will be just the beginning—together we'll make sure that every student has a chance at success!

If you're ready for change, vote for me!


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