Candidate for the position of Health and Care School Officer

Candidate for the position of Health and Care School Officer

Image for Layna Forbes

Layna Forbes

Let me help you get the most out of university

Hello, my name is Layna Forbes.

I am a criminal psychology student and believe I can enhance the university experience for all students. One way I can do this is by advising ways to decrease the amount of bad mental health and make university a less stressful and more positive experience.

From my encounters with mental health and learning disabilities such as ADHD, autism and dyslexia, my experience at university has been a struggle. These struggles include the change of education structure compared to past education systems, living independently, socialising and more. I believe I can broaden the university experience by tackling specific problems to make it an inclusive and diverse place by accommodating all students' experiences from different collective backgrounds including students with disabilities, mental health issues, and international students. 

From depression to anxiety to loneliness, factors such as language barriers, past trauma, a new environment, a lack of social support from friends and family, or an introverted personality can all make your experience of university harder to accomplish your aspirations and make friends. 

All students deserve the right to have a top-quality university experience even through the stressful moment's university provides, such as exams. Students like you should graduate from university with happiness and pride in themselves with the top grades you deserve. I believe these ambitions can be a reality through solutions I can make possible!

Various solutions I have come up with are ways to get more support. This support can involve listening to you, my fellow students and making your voices and recommendations heard to ensure you do not struggle during your time here. This support could include financial aid, social aid, course adjustments and much more. Another suggestion would be to introduce more events that all students can attend to make the university a balance of hard work and fun to make those life-long friendships and decrease the regret of not doing enough in university.

Let me help you get the most out of your university, and vote for me as your HLS faculty officer to make the university experience a better place for all and giving you a sense of belonging! 

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