Christian Union Society

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EQUIP: December

As the Christmas holidays are approaching, the Christian Union host one final event before the holidays with their annual Christmas Carol Service. Read along to follow what the Christian Union has been doing for the month of December

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Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church


With exams in full swing and coursework deadlines approaching, the Christian Union only had 1 EQUIP meeting but finished the semester off with the annual Christmas Carol Service


Before the Christmas holidays, the Christian Union hosted their annual Christmas Carol Service, held in the wonderful Holy Trinity Church in Coventry city centre. The church was full of Christmas decorations, candles and created a wonderful atmosphere to truly bring the feeling of Christmas to all that attended. The night was filled with singing iconic carols (performed by the gifted students at Nexus) and a powerful message from Reverend Canon Richard Hibbert to share and celebrate the real meaning of Christmas ... the birth of Jesus and the debt he paid for everyone.

The night finished with some hot chocolate and mince pies offered to all in attendance with remaining mince pies being given out around the city centre to some homeless people to help share some Christmas joy 


Our last EQUIP finished off our series focusing on the Gospel of John and looked into how we can have hope in a dying world

Our weekly EQUIP meeting from the Faith and Spirituality Centre from 7pm to 9pm. Each week we meet up to have time to meet new people, build friendships but most importantly to come together to praise God

Follow us on Instagram @covcu to find out more about our events we plan



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