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Group of student-athletes promote their sports clubs

So many questions to answer when you join Coventry University and Sport Coventry...

Which Sports Clubs are you going to join?  How many new friends are you going to meet at your new club? How many trophies are you going to win?

For a full list of sports clubs available to you at Sport Coventry, and Coventry University, check out our A-Z of Sports Clubs, with in-depth information on each club, from their committee officials (the students who run the club), to the success they've had in the past, and the memberships they have on offer. You can also follow Sport Coventry Instagram for up-to-the-minute information on clubs and their activities.

Sport Coventry coordinates over 35 different sports clubs, so we have a wide-variety of opportunities to engage with you, whilst you're at Coventry University. With an all-inclusive range of activities, that cover Belonging, Recreational, Competition, and Performance, we can cater for students from a spectrum of playing abilities also.

So whether you're looking to excel in National Leagues, regularly compete against other Universities, have some relaxed sporting-fun with friends, or simply watch/support/assist with some physical activity. Sport Coventry will have something for you.

And if there's too many to choose from, be sure to come along to our Sports and Societies Fair on Monday, 22nd January, to meet the Sports Clubs and their Committee Officials in person, and get all the information needed to make your student experience one to remember!



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