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Introducing Hannah, your CU London Campus Officer

Your CU London Campus Officer for 2023–24 is Hannah Yusuf. Here Hannah introduces herself and their role, and how they can help you make the most of your university experience this year!

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Introduce Yourself

Hi everyone, I’m Hannah. I study Law and Practice BA (Hons) at CU Greenwich and I am in my second year. I am very creative and goal oriented and here to make your voice heard as your new campus officer. Together let’s create a campus experience that’s vibrant, empowering and filled with endless possibilities.

What is a Campus Officer?

The Campus Officer is the lead representative for all students at CU London. They are elected each year by the student body and are the primary spokesperson for all students at every level with the University, Students’ Union and wider community. I’m here to ensure that every student is represented and has the opportunity to shape their university experience. I do this by working directly with Course Reps, student societies, and Students’ Union and University staff – but any student can get in touch to ask a question or tell me an idea.

What do you bring to this role?

When I was elected I created a manifesto outlining what I would aim to do in the role. I have three key priorities: 

  • Enhance the Celebration of culture - I want to promote existing celebration of culture and encourage new ones to be created
  • Increase cultural diversity of food on campus - I want to increase diversity in our cafeteria as this is a significant way we can embed diversity in our school community
  • More regular events for all students (postgrads, Internationals, LGBTQIA. + etc) - It is important for our university to reflect the beauty of our diversity in the range and content of our events, which is why I believe they need to reflect this more.

How can I get in touch?

I am here to make university better for you. I would love to hear about your personal experiences at CU Greenwich, so please feel free to reach out and have a chat with me about what could be improved or what we should do more of. You can contact me at to discuss more.




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