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The 4 Big Benefits of Upcycling

Upcycling means using existing materials to prolong the life of something or turn it into something new. This can be put to particularly good use in the world of fashion, where fast fashion, the practise of mass-producing clothing from cheap materials in order to encourage us to buy more, is rife.

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Upcycling means using existing materials to prolong the life of something or turn it into something new. This can be put to particularly good use in the world of fashion, where fast fashion, the practise of mass-producing clothing from cheap materials in order to encourage us to buy more, is rife. Upcycling aims to combat this through using offcuts and second-hand stock to take care of and transform old pieces so that they can be used again.

But what difference does this actually make? And how easy is it for you to get involved?

Read our 4 biggest benefits of upcycling to find out...

1. Upcycling is good for the environment.  

This may seem obvious. Reusing existing materials rather than constantly producing new ones has been a well-known helpful thing to do for a long time. But the extent of this goes far beyond simply cutting down on how much waste ends up in landfill. Certain chemicals used in the production of mass-produced clothing can be hazardous to us, our animals and plant life. These chemicals can find their way into our air and waterways without us even knowing. Repurposing existing materials cuts down on the need to create new ones which in turn cuts down on the need for manufacturers to rely on so many harmful chemicals. This small change is a big help with huge issues such as greenhouse emissions, cleaner air, and water pollution. It can also help with deforestation as the need to constantly source fresh natural resources like bamboo and plant materials is reduced.

2. Upcycling can save you money.

Simple, right? Patching up those old jeans or cropping and combining two old outfits to make one fresh new look means you are going to buy less, save more. If enough people do this, the ripple effect will encourage positive change in the fashion industry. Demand for constant new clothes will be reduced and the trend of reusing materials will become more marketable. This will in turn lower companies’ production costs as they will start taking the time to recreate top quality items from repurposed fabric rather than producing a large quantity as quickly as possible. This could also assist in boosting the economy of local communities as companies are more likely to reach out to the resources and craftsmanship of smaller businesses closer to home, rather than outsourcing to large factories with questionable ethical practises.

3. Upcycling helps you be you.  

The clue is in the name. ‘Mass produced’ items of clothing may be marketed as ‘the next must have’ – but this doesn’t get away from the fact that they are just the same thing over and over again. Instead of risking inadvertently showing up to a party in the same outfit as someone else, why not take the chance to create your own completely unique piece? You will be free to show off your style in a garment that perfectly fits your shape and personality. It also encourages you to take the time to explore your creative side and maybe even learn a few new skills.

4. Upcycling is great for mental health and wellbeing.

Studies have highlighted the mindful benefits of creating and crafting. A chance to block out the rest of the world by focusing on creating something that is all your own. You will have an end result to be proud of and may have even boosted your confidence by mastering a new skill or producing something you never thought would be possible for you. And who can forget how amazing it feels to know that you’ve not only had fun and expressed yourself but have also done something great to help preserve our wonderful planet.

Feeling inspired? Why not come along to our Upcycling event on Tuesday 1st March and try it out yourself? We have plenty of fabrics and materials to help you make your personal mark on a t-shirt, or a tote bag. Or why not bring along something of your own to transform? No artistic experience necessary! If you are interested, then click the link and get your free ticket!

We look forward to seeing you and all your creations soon.   



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