Your SU: Scarborough

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You Said, We Did: Taking Action on Cost of Living

This block we want to show you how your feedback is making a difference. You told us you wanted us to take action around cost of living increases - here's what we're doing about that.

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Two Students' Union staff members, a man and a woman, stand either side of a promotional banner for

You said...  

You told us you wanted us to take action around cost of living increases.  

We Did... 

We are aware of the impacts of the ongoing cost of living increases across the country and know this is a really challenging time to be a student. We are taking action in the following ways. 

Cost of Living Project Group 

We have set up an internal Cost of LIving Project Group involving officers and staff from across the Students’ Union. The aims of the group are to identify ways we can hear about how students are being affected and how we can support students directly, as well as agreeing how to lobby the University for additional help for students.  

New Staff 

Your Students’ Union has recruited a new team member who will work specifically on Cost of Living projects across all campuses. This will help us focus our work in this area and ensure it is receiving the time and resources it needs. If you have an idea for how the Students’ Union can better support students with cost of living, please email  

Cost of Living Support Hub 

In December we launched our digital Cost of Living Support Hub. Here we have collated key information about support available in your local area. It includes information about warm spaces, free activities, receiving support with your energy bills, and financial support available from your local council.  

Hearing Your Stories  

We have conducted cost of living surveys across all campuses and are hosting online focus groups to hear what you have to say about the cost of living. These initiatives are helping us to identify ways in which our members are being impacted by the increases and how you would like to be supported by both the Union and the University. 

Lobbying the University 

Union Officers and staff attend regular meetings with senior University staff, and we use these to make your voices heard. We are asking the University for additional support for students using the feedback we have collected, and we will continue to do this going forward. 

More to come... 

We are continuing to explore more ways we can help. Currently we are looking at launching an initiative offering free menstrual products to students in need, and we’re always keen for more ideas. Keep an eye on your emails and our website for more information about upcoming projects, and please get in touch if there is something you would like to see by emailing  



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