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Meet Your Women Students Community Members

Read on to find out about the proudest achievements and biggest inspirations of members of the Women Students Community.

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Jessica Farr, She/her, studying Acting 

My proudest achievement would be getting cast in the Steven Joseph Theatres production of DNA by Dennis Kelly, this is because this would be my first professional show outside of education.

Jessica has been inspired by her high school acting tutor, as she said she 'believed in me and my acting abilities when I didn’t, she encouraged me into perusing acting further and now I am living in the same town as she did when she was studying acting at university.


Jess Howarth, She/her, studying Public Health and Community Studies

I am very proud to have gained three 1st's in my first year of university! This is because I am a mature student and a parent, and I have long-term health conditions that affect my abilities. I have struggled with my health a lot, so knowing I am capable of getting 1st's in my first year makes me very proud of myself.

a tutor on public health and community studies - has inspired me, as she is also a mother with the same health condition as I do and has a degree and a great career. She has been compassionate and understanding with me when teaching me.



Pavithra Paul, She/her, studying MSc Accounting and Financial Management

A special achievement for me was when I decided to move from India to UK.

My aunt is the only person in my family who is a working woman. She fought with the society and came out of the gender stereotypes, made a name for herself, and did not limit her identity as just being someone’s wife. She has been inspiring me a lot since my childhood.



Lucy Pearson, studying Interactive Media and Web Technologies

Lucy said their proudest achievement was 'Passing my driving test because I had failed again and again before and it was so hard to keep going and sitting with the failure but I kept trying and then I passed! I’m a better driver than my first test because of all the hard work.



Emelda Remi, She/her, studying MSc. International Business Management

Emelda is proud of 'Becoming the First crowned Mrs Universe Nigeria , and using the platform to create awareness on Domestic Violence against women and children.' 




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