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Part-Time Officers Update - (December/January)

Find out what your part-time officers got up to in the months of December and January

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College of Engineering, Environment, and Sciences - Ashish Joy ( 

It was my last month as college officer and maybe the best month. It felt great to have made many connections and people letting you know they will miss you being here. It has been a fantastic role and great exposure. It has been great working at the SU, and with all students. Here are some things I have done in the last 2 months:

  • I supported with the planning and delivery of Welcome activities such as Bingo anfdYoga Brunch
  • I also delivered induction talks and told students about the benefits of becoming a rep


College of the Arts and Society Officer - Layna Forbes (

As the College of the Arts and Society Officer during December and January, I actively worked hard to increase equity and create an atmosphere of hard work and fun for students. Here are some highlights of the things I was able to be a part of:

  • I attended meetings with the disability council to help the university increase equity for students with disabilities. As a student, you can also be involved by speaking with the SU Disability Community for updates and sharing your student voice to bring positive changes.
  • I hosted events to create community, belonging, and relaxation.
  • I hosted The Winter Holiday Fair with the EES officer, which was held at the end of semester 1, and we had an extraordinary turnout of students networking and playing games with others and societies. 
  • At the start of semester 2, the SU officers and I hosted a thrilling bingo night and a relaxing yoga event promoting mindfulness.



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