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The 2024 SU Awards Season... Explained

Our annual SU Awards are coming soon! We're proud to host a series of celebrations recognising the amazing achievements of students and staff across all our campus locations. Keep reading to find out how you can get involved this year.

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Girl talking in mic and accepting her SU award

The SU Awards Season, sponsored by Canvas, recognises student engagement with the Students’ Union over the past year. This year the awards season is bigger than ever as we are hosting ten awards ceremonies in total, celebrating both student and staff achievements across all of our colleges, campus locations, sports and society groups. Winners of selected awards will be invited to a VIP Dinner in April to wrap up the awards season with one final celebration, which is a brand new event for 2024!

As a student, winning an award or being shortlisted is a fantastic way to gain recognition for all your hard work, stand out from the crowd and showcase your achievements to potential employers. For staff, it's an opportunity to reflect on the impact you have on students' experiences, and feel proud of the work you do. The ceremonies are some of our favourite events of the year, packed with positivity, support for each other and lots of food, drinks and live performances!

Here's all the info you need to get involved with the awards season this year...

What awards ceremonies are taking place?

We're hosting ten ceremonies in total this year - more than ever before! They are...

  • Student Voice Awards – College of the Arts and Society
    Monday 18 March - nominations have now closed
  • Student Voice Awards – College of Business and Law
    Tuesday 19 March - nominations have now closed
  • Student Voice Awards – College of Engineering, Environment and Science
    Wednesday 20 March - nominations have now closed
  • Student Voice Awards – CU Coventry
    Thursday 21 March - nominations have now closed
  • Student Voice Awards – School of Health and Care
    Friday 22 March - nominations have now closed
  • Activities Awards - celebrating the achievements of our societies, communities, student staff and student volunteers
    Tuesday 26 March - nominations open from 19 February to 4 March
  • Sport Awards - celebrating the achievements of our sports teams, players, coaches and committees
    Wednesday 27 March - nominations open from 19 February to 4 March
  • Coventry University London SU Awards
    Wednesday 20 March - nominations open from 23 January to 26 February
  • CU London SU Awards
    Wednesday 27 March - nominations open from 23 January to 4 March
  • CU Scarborough SU Awards
    Wednesday 3 April - nominations open from 23 January to 11 March

What awards are available?

There are so many awards available so we won't list them all here, but you can find the details on our individual awards pages. For the Student Voice Awards they range from rep awards like Rep of the Year, to staff awards for both academic and non-academic staff members. For activities we'll be awarding best societies in each area, community impact, Volunteer of the Year and more. Sport Coventry will be recognising the most improved clubs, as well as rewarding online engagement, online presence and the achievements of both teams and individual athletes. In London and Scarborough we'll be celebrating unsung heros, rising stars and outstanding commitment to student life. In short, there really is something for everyone, so if you know someone who has gone above and beyond in their area, chances are there will be an award you can put them forward for!

How do the nominations work?

Any student or staff member can nominate themself, or others, for an award via our simple online nomination forms. Nominations are still open now for the London, Scarborough, Sport and Activities Awards. When submitting a nomination we ask for as much detail as possible. Remember to give all the requested details of who you're nominating and most importantly why you feel they deserve to be recognised. 

Nominations are shared with our carefully selected panels who will shortlist a handful of successful students for each award. Students and staff who are successfully shortlisted will receive an email invite to attend the relevant ceremony for the award they have been shortlisted for. 

What happens at the ceremonies?

The ceremonies will differ slightly depending on which one you go to, but they will all be special in their own way and will feature food, drinks, maybe some performances and definitely lots of proud acceptance speeches. If you've been shortlisted for an award, we suggest you prepare a short speech so you're prepared if you win! There will be people taking photos so have your best smiles ready too!


You can find out more about all the awards and submit your nominations at

We can't wait to celebrate with you over the next couple of months!



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